calque obamerica.png

Concept, direction, production 

Stéphane Faure, Romain Fort



W communication, Arthur Tournier



Mathieu Wolff


Sound design

Pierre Bertre


Videos, photography

Stéphane Faure, Romain Fort, The White House, creativecommons.org




Special thanks


Mona Al-Hayani and her students, Andrea Kaminski and the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, Kelly Sawyers, Eva Arevuo and Augustin Scalbert from Change.org, Brent Brown and his parents, Jean Marks and Providence Portland Medical Center, John Courtemanche and the Hampshire College, Charlie, Roberto Ramos and the CubaOchoMuseum, Jorge Duany and the Florida International University, Reverend Westley West, Daryll Lewis, Ismaël Rosa and his family, Delaware Republican party, MiAngel Cody, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, the Bud Bros team, Sunny Day Sanchez, Anthony Johnson, Edie Snyder, Nina Sherwood, Ken Corson, Corey Gross, Carlos Avorado, Luis Magaña, Olivier Faissolle,

Jean-Baptiste Caillet, Clément Lesaffre and IPJ Paris-Dauphine.

To the memory of Tahar Nasri and Philippe Fort